257632 Criar Memorial
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Tammy Mills beautiful child May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
Kelly I dont know what to say in this time of sorrow except that I am truly sorry that you lost such a sweet and beautiful child. Doug saw this and called me and I am very sorry that we did not make it to the funeral. Doug told me to tell you that he would have loved to be here for you but sorry that he couldnt. I remember you and Isaiah would come to the house and he was so full of energy and such a beautiful child. I will sadly miss him and his smiling face. Just look to the sky for all your strength and God will see you through it all. I miss you sweetie please email me or call me and I will do anything I can. I would really like to talk to you so please contact me. Jason I havent forgot you I know that you are so heartbroken over your little man but stay strong and again Doug wants you to know he is thinking of you too. I am very sorry and would be glad to do anything to help. Kelly call me or email me I love you and hope to talk to you soon. I moved from Powell so I have a different address but call me.
Love you,
Tammy and Doug
Tammy Mills,
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Dale Sapp missing him May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
Kelly and Jason,
I am going to miss Isaiah so much. He was not afraid or ashamed to be my friend. He was able to look past my wheelchair and my disabilities - One day some kids asked him why he was playing with me and he simply
answered "Because he is my friend. He is no different than you and me!!" He recognized what was important in life. Thank You Isaiah - what a blessing you were in my life!!!
Dale Sapp,
Dublin, Ohio
Jo, Dave, Adam, Savannah hearts forever May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
We loved Isaiah very much, he was a great child. I feel he is a special angel watching over all of us. We will miss his wonderful smile and positive outlook. We love you and we will be here for support any time. Prayers .....
Love Jo Hannah, Dave, Adam and Savannah.
Love and Prayers Jo, Dave, Adam, Savannah,
Delaware, Ohio
Liz & Quinn Holden never forget May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
We will never forget his smile. Our thoughts and prayers to you, your family and Isaiah.
Liz & Quinn Holden,
~ Samira May God Bless you May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
To the family and friends of Isaiah,
I am so sorry for your loss. My son Hassan knew Isaiah from JKIM Martial Arts. You are in our thoughts and in our prayers. May God Bless you and comfort you at this difficult time.
makeda lewis prayers May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
I am so sorry about the loss of Isaiah. He will be missed greatly. My family is praying for you and we wish we could be there for support. We loved Isaiah and his obsession with chapstick. be blessed
makeda lewis,
clarksville, Tennessee
Mick sochor missing you May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
Dear Isaiah, As much as we all want you here with us, it just wouldn't be fair to you. To be with God in heaven is what we all strive for. And you already have that privilege. You will be missed and remembered always.
Mick sochor,
powell, Ohio
Bill Price sorry for your loss May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
Jason & Kelly,
I'm so sorry for the lose of your son, Isaiah. You and your family will forever be in my prayers. Let me know if I can do anything at all.
Bill Price,
Dublin, Ohio
Erin Guerra sorry for your loss May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
Jason and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I just want to let you know that i am thinking of you and my heart goes out to you and your family! i know Isaiah will be missed! I love you!
Erin Guerra,
Columbus, Ohio
Judy prayers May 2, 2009
November 03, 2008
I worked at Wright for 4 years, and I remember this wonderful little boy. You are in my prayers.
Dublin, Ohio
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